速報APP / 教育 / Java Deep Learning: Core java

Java Deep Learning: Core java





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




Java Deep Learning: Core java(圖1)-速報App

Java Deep Learning Developed by Learner's for Learners. We are happy to bring a java app which covered all major parts!

Learn java like a pro download the app now and enhance your java skills to next level.

We basically divided app into five major modules each has its kind of preferences

Learn consists of :

• Language Fundamentals

• Operator and Assignments

Java Deep Learning: Core java(圖2)-速報App

• Flow Control

• Modifiers and Interfaces

• OOPs

• Exceptional Handling

• Multi Threading

• Inner Classes

Java Deep Learning: Core java(圖3)-速報App

• Garbage Collector

• java.lang Package

• java.io Package

• Regular Expression

• Serialization

• Collection Framework

Java Deep Learning: Core java(圖4)-速報App

• Generics

• Development

• Enum

• Assertion

• Internationalization (I18N)

• JVM Architecture

Java Deep Learning: Core java(圖5)-速報App

Code consists of examples of java programs

Interview has 120+ questions which are frequently asked in java interviews

Vs is a different concept which has collection of similar methods and functions

Packages has the information regarding interfaces and classes of

• java.lang

• java.io

Java Deep Learning: Core java(圖6)-速報App

• java.util

Help : we will be there for you every time, with promising replies with shorter response time

Prerequisite: User should have prior knowledge about classes objects methods. And able to configure and run java programs on computer

By using Java Deep Learning we are confident that you will surely increase your knowledge in java and able to develop many java programs

We Awwalsoft are very much dedicated to give promising content which ever app we build this is our moto!

Java Deep Learning: Core java(圖7)-速報App

Java Deep Learning will surely enhance your Skills to next Level

Java Deep Learning: Core java(圖8)-速報App